As this is a G major scale, the way that we should tackle scales on the ukulele is via a finger per fret technique – this means your index finger is always on the 7th fret, middle always on the 8th, ring always on the 9th, and pinky always on the 10th. Let’s talk about the left-hand technique. That means you have one small hand movement as you move your index from string 3 to string 2, but it shouldn’t feel too strange. The right-hand technique requires our thumb to be glued to string 4, so that means the index finger will take over string 3 and string 2, with the middle sticking to string 1.

Campus is a very clever riff, it essentially is a G major scale – and that’s it! The way we need to tackle this riff is very different, so let’s talk about the right hand first.